Friday, May 12, 2017

Blog 4

Ann Coulter a conservative who believes that "Not building a wall IS a government shutdown". Coulter explains and gives examples of immigrant criminals, how drugs are pouring into the country and how helping immigrants deprives the government from helping unemployed African-Americans. This country was built and funded on immigrants, a country like the United States cannot turn its back on those who seeking liberty. I understand that a government must protect it's people and nothing is wrong with sending out the criminals but a wall is outrageous and its not going to do anything but waste tax dollars. That money could go into our education system or our community to educate citizens. A wall would only isolate this country and make it more unstable and unsafe.

Blog 8: Responding to Leo Ashner

I agree with you. Many politicians are getting away with a slap on their hand and not being held accountable for their actions. Another example ans I'm sure we are tired of hearing about it is Hillary Clinton but same thing. I dislike that who you know and how much money you have can get someone a pass/ I understand that they are humans and they mistakes but not facing consequences for their actions is where you start losing the people's support.

Friday, April 28, 2017

In continuation to my previous post and response to a few people’s question. How long should service member serve in the armed forces to receive free health care? I asked my Marine friend, and he held six fingers up for six years. In my opinion four years with an honorable discharge. I understand that is not that easy, let’s be realistic, the biggest obstacle is going to be money. Also, who qualifies? Should reserves get a piece of the pie? Maybe only the members that have deployed or those that have entered a hazardous zone. My friend was deployed to Iraq, I on the other hand was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, not the same experiences. To come to a fair agreement our politicians need to get the opinion of the veterans and active duty members. The 1% are many and each have different stories to tell. If our politicians care and honor our sacrifices like they say they do, this task shouldn’t be so difficult. Actions speak louder than words and for my brothers and sisters we have already put into action our patriotism.

Friday, March 31, 2017

To many Americans being in the military is seen as honorable and courageous. Many served honorably and would do it again. It is celebrated with parades, discounts, holidays and standing ovations at sporting events. But only 1% of the U.S. population has enlisted into the military. Many like me served honorably and would do it again. I served the in the Navy for five years, I’ve traveled all over the country and across the world. It’s nice, but I’ve also had health issues due to the military. Dislocated shoulder, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis and the list keeps going. I decided not to reenlist to be with my family and to focus on school. Yet, I have to work full time to have insurance and keep working full time to keep my health care benefits. Many veterans need help and no insurance to help them. Serving in the military should grant members free health care after they serve.

The government spends billions of dollars to fight wars and to have the latest technology to fight them. The military demands more than 40 hours a week and in many cases, for service members to work in dangerous settings. Once a member decides to leave they get a thank you for enlisting handshake and good-bye. Countless veterans leave with heavy health issues and get a limited amount of help and income for it. According to an NPR article, the VA is over funded just not administrated right. My best friend a former Marine, receives a check every month at the expense of a brain tumor. Many veterans take their life away by suicide. Does the life of a veteran not matter after they serve? Free health care should be mandatory to better care for the country's heroes.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Government can't get us off sugar

Government can't get us off sugar: Glenn Reynolds

Glenn Reynolds brings up an important question, "Should food stamp programs allow people to buy sugary drinks and snacks with taxpayer money?  Reynolds mentions that he is fine with the program banning those products and move towards just approving essential foods. He backs his argument with the book The Case AgainstSugar by Gary Taubes. Taubes mentions the increase of sugar caused an increase of diabetes. In the 1980's with the help of lobbyist, the sugar industry made "fat" the villain; which made "fat free" the thing to be but with less fat in your products more sugar was added for flavor. 

It may be a socialist view to have the government regulate what the people eat but if it's a government program supported by taxpayers is it bad? Obesity is becoming an epidemic and our health as a nation is deteriorating. The solution may seem easy and obvious also a perfect way to get people on board to a better life. The answer is a lot more complex. This nation runs on the color green. Not veggies or green smoothies but money. Healthier options are not cheap and cannot sustain a family. Therefor, increasing the budget for the program and taking money from other programs. Buying hot dogs, burger patties and “just-add water” meals are cheaper and can longer sustain a family, spending less government money. I’m for food stamps being restricted to essential and healthy options but without raising taxes and depleting other government programs.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Blog Assignment Dos!

The BBC released an article, "Trump vows to win travel ban court fight"

I understand that the President must ac to protect the country and ensure its citizens are safe. To my knowledge the United States has been an immigrant country since the colonies. Now is not the moment to close our doors to the people that have contributed to this country’s greatness. The president will make many decisions that our country will not make many happy or that will push the boundaries of what is constitutional. Therefor appreciating the checks and balance system. The president had signed an executive order to restrict people from seven different countries to come into the US. A judge blocked that order and our president responded by calling a federal judge “so-called judge.” Now the case went to an the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, where the judges unanimously voted to keep it blocked. Now the President vows to make a “brand new order” and the changes are “very little.”  We must pay attention to how and what the President is going to do next.