Friday, April 28, 2017

In continuation to my previous post and response to a few people’s question. How long should service member serve in the armed forces to receive free health care? I asked my Marine friend, and he held six fingers up for six years. In my opinion four years with an honorable discharge. I understand that is not that easy, let’s be realistic, the biggest obstacle is going to be money. Also, who qualifies? Should reserves get a piece of the pie? Maybe only the members that have deployed or those that have entered a hazardous zone. My friend was deployed to Iraq, I on the other hand was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, not the same experiences. To come to a fair agreement our politicians need to get the opinion of the veterans and active duty members. The 1% are many and each have different stories to tell. If our politicians care and honor our sacrifices like they say they do, this task shouldn’t be so difficult. Actions speak louder than words and for my brothers and sisters we have already put into action our patriotism.